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Clarity Parfum Candle

Regular price $ 1,100.00 MXN
Regular price Sale price $ 1,100.00 MXN
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Lorem Ipsum is simply the dummy text of the printers and typesetters. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text since the 1500s, when an unknown printer used a gallery of texts and mixed them in such a way that he managed to make a textbook specimen. Not only did it survive 500 years, but it also entered electronic documents as filler text, remaining essentially the same as the original. It was popularized in the 1960s with the creation of "Letraset" sheets, which contained Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software, such as Aldus PageMaker, which includes Lorem Ipsum versions.

Presentation: Aromatic candle with natural waxes in a black glass container, inside a cardboard box.
Cylindrical container with lid and cylindrical box.
Measurements: 8x9 cm.
Net weight: 600 grams.
Origin: Mexico.

Valisi Candles

Valisi Candles

We invite you to choose the essence that best represents your home and inspires your days. For the creation, natural waxes with a high degree of purity are used that offer a uniform, perfect and toxin-free burn.

I chose your essence
  • Free shipping from 3000 pesos

    We offer free shipping throughout the Republic of Mexico. All our shipments can have a maximum delay of 10 business days after placing the order and confirming the payment. You will be able to track your package using the post office.

  • fragrance samples

    Parfums and Home scents do not have change, that is why we have small ceramic pieces as samples, through which we can send you the fragrance you choose and thus know the desired aroma prior to your purchase.